setting yourself up for success
How do you create better habits?
First of all, you need to look at what you surround yourself with at work and at home.
We usually fail because we try and change too many things at once. For instance, if you try and change your nutrition for the better and add in exercise, you tell yourself:
''I am going to go to the gym before work then have a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner and no junk food today''
Monday morning comes:
The alarm clock goes off, you snooze it, then you get to work, are presented with cake and have some, it is classed as failure in your mind.
This then becomes disheartening and you end up giving up altogether.
In reality, trying to change more than one element of your life drastically does not work.
Change one thing at a time, maybe instead of trying to introduce exercise and eating healthy at the same time, it is, going for a 10-minute work around the block before you start work.
It will put you in a better mindset and is not too far out of your comfort zone. Usually, by the time you get back too, you do not necessarily feel like the fry up you usually have or the big sugary bowl of cereal.
Take little steps!
In your kitchen, if you can, remove temptation. Do not buy the things you would usually deem 'junk' if it is there you will usually end up eating it. If it is not, you cannot eat it.
If you have children or this is not an option then just put it in a cupboard and stay away from that cupboard. Something I have found useful with clients in the past in buying little red stickers and putting them on the food you are trying not to eat. It gives you a visual of a red flag and will make you think twice about eating it. Although things like this are ok in moderation, they are not the types of food you want to eat often.
If at your desk you have a drawer full of temptation, you are setting yourself for failure again. Make your desk tidy, have some pre-made snacks in there and make your own life easier.