

Example 1: If you have a goal of losing weight.

If you consistentlyeat well and make healthy choices then you will lose weight and achieve your goal.

If you consistentlycarry on with bad habits and make no attempt to change them, you will not achieve your goal.

Example 2: If you want to be healthier and change your current bad eating habits.

If you seek help, break a habit and then consistentlyrepeat good habits, you will achieve your goal.

If you consistentlyeat bad food and make poor food choices, you will probably put on weight and not achieve your goal.

Example 3: If you have a goal to put on muscle.

If you consistently go to the gym, perform weight training and make the correct food choices you will achieve your goal.

If you consistentlydo not go to the gym, eat the correct food and continue with poor choices, you will not achieve your goal.

You get the right idea... If you consistentlydo something, you will eventually reach a goal.

To get yourself from making a goal to achieving your goal, there has got to be 'actionable steps' to help you along the way.

It does not have to be all at once or huge changes, it starts with making small changes day to day and this results in big changes over time.

Two people could have the same goal of going to the Olympics. The first person is training hard, eating well and taking care of themselves. The second person is going out, drinking alcohol and eating bad food. Although they both have the same goal, the first person is much more likely to get to the Olympics because of the actionable steps that have been taken, their process and system is better for achieving the goal.

Why is it SO hard to stay consistent?
In modern day society, there tends to be a 'quick-fix solution' mentality. Fads and a new craze diet sweep social media and everyone jumps on the bandwagon, thinking they can lose one stone in one week. We all know this is impossible but most people are looking for the easiest way to lose weight. It is not easy, it takes time and dedication, but the rewards far outweigh the downsides.

Ask yourself WHY you want to want to change, every time you feel old habits creep in, answer your own question of WHY. This can help you keep on track as well as make you think about your actions rather than just be on autopilot.